There are several types of Cinquefoil common in Boulder, and some can be hard to tell apart. These include Drymocallis fissa, Potentilla gracilis, P. arguta, P. concinna, P. fruticosa, P. nivea, P. pulcherrima, and the invasive P. recta. Nearly every species has flowers with 5 rounded, yellow or whitish petals. Petal size and color may vary, but it is common for multiple petals to fall off as the flowers age, leaving 5 sepals behind. Stems are branching, suspended above the bulk of the leaves, with a few flowers at the tip of each branch. Leaves vary in arrangement, but have serrated edges and may be slightly fuzzy (along with stems and sepals). Leaves are divided into smaller leaflets in a hand-like shape (palmately lobed), or be arranged or along a longer stem. They vary in color from greyish to deep green.